Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Tom Harris

Tom Harris used to be my M.P. , not that I ever had occasion to meet him. So I know him more through his entertaining and informative blog "...and another thing". I was therefore sad to see that he has decided to stop blogging because he felt it was taking over his personal and family life. As you can see from how prolifically I blog, I can understand what he means.

No, the reason I'm sorry to see Tom's blog disappear is that his blogs, and his website in general, showed his humanity. It made him seem somewhat normal which, many will be surprised to find out, most politicians are.

I have had the pleasure - admittedly sometimes a dubious one - of meeting many politicians and what has always struck me os how few self-serving rogues I have met. Indeed, I've met more of these characters in my own game.

I'm sorry that Tom has stopped his blog but I wish him well in his career.