Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Glasgow Airport security is a shambles

Just one month after two men tried to blow up Glasgow airport, security remains lax.

On Monday morning I checked in using the electronic check-in machines in the main concourse for a flight to Stornoway. As I was returning the same day I was also able to check in electronically for my return flight in the evening.

I then went through security, where my boarding pass and carry on luggage were checked, and boarding control, where my boarding pass alone was checked.

At no stage was I asked to provide any photographic ID. In fact, I wasn't required to provide any ID of any sort so nobody could check if I was the person named on the boarding pass.

The same happened again that evening in Stornoway. Again, having already checked in that morning, I by-passed check-in and was not asked to show any ID at security or while boarding.

I think that this is potentially quite a serious matter, particularly given the trend to checking in either using the machines or on-line. Surely, it is quite a simple matter to ensure that ID is checked at security or whilst boarding? My suspicion is that this should have been done but wasn't.

However, given recent events at the airport, you would have been forgiven for thinking that security people should have been more alert.

I've emailed BAA with my concerns but, to date, no reply.

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